Chuck McPhilamy makes an impassioned plea to have those tough conversations between the community and the police. Marietta Police Department has invested into training above what is required to help police deal with growing problems.
For example, every officer went through a 40 hour crisis intervention training (CIT). That training is a game changer for everyone involved. From the officer who does not know what it is like to hear voices, to the citizen with the issue that gets to see these officers face-to-face to the loved ones of the mentally ill that do not want to see their loved ones hurt.
Get involved though the pastor's police academy to the citizen police academy, there are ways to learn more about the police in Marietta.
Police link
CIT more information
NAMI Walks Fundraiser
I caught up with Blaine Clotfelter, Stephanie Earl and Jeff Cooper of Marietta Theatre just before the play Nunsense started. We also talked about Johnny Pizza and the special food he brought along for opening night...
Auditions for the Toxic Avenger are going on right now.
Beverly McAfee is my favorite interview. There I said it. She has a great combination of caring and hutzpah that is quite frankly, endearing.
How did Marietta get a concert series, why does the First United Methodist have a park and replica of their first church, why is their a mentoring program at Marietta High School — you guessed it Beverly. She is the first to admit that she had a lot of help, but her way of getting things done is powerful.
Enjoy our own Marietta gem, Beverly McAfee!
Katie Mallett always felt out of place. She tried to fit in, but everything she tried never worked out long term.
This pattern followed her -- until she worked with a coach. They found Katie's gift was to create a fun and safe place for people to learn and connect. Make + do community was born. Now she helps people make things from candles to cocktails and her life makes a lot more sense.